Pure Gratitude

Things happen naturally if we allow them to happen and don’t judge them. Trying to live in wisdom, doing things to help others, and choosing awareness over egoic behavior are constants no matter what happens in the external world. The inward view is a constant, outward is out of our control. Yet they are the same. They interact the same. Allowing the space for all things is beneficial. Not judging things or attaching to an opinion of things is probably one of the hardest things for humans to overcome and will be the hardest to overcome. Now is worse than ever. But if we are not able to embrace this deceptively simple concept we simply will not evolve into true human potential.

As I quietly sit here on a pile of rocks near a crab shack and beachside trailer park on a Rhode Island beach, it’s interesting to think of how different my experience is when I am alone vs the experience of having two little kids asserting their hegemonic will over the situation. Like right now would have never happened. I would have no time to sit here mindlessly enjoying the experience and entertaining any creative and inspired thought to surface. Instead, there would be my primal instinct to protect them from falling on the rocks or getting sucked out to sea. There would also be the experience of them asserting their will to be entertained or to do what they want which would certainly but not always not include doing what I want. This is a teaching and wisdom to be absorbed. Not doing what you want. Not thinking about yourself. Doing something g for others. These few factors alone are major wisdom teachings that could likely only be gained from having a life partner and children. 

Another thing to note pertaining to these teachings is that those experiences open themselves up to even richer experiences. When the moment finally comes when there is a time to sit and be quiet, that moment is exponentially enriched by the previous (perceived) less desirable moment. Gratitude for this rare moment of quiet is. Ore is readily available and the moment can be experienced in its totality without judgment. There is just pure gratitude.


Pure Gratitude